Batch Scanning in Browser

A brief overview of batch scanning documents using VelocityFIle in our browser scan portal

Qualified VelocityFile companies have, in addition to single scanning, the ability to digitize documents in batches.  Your browser scan system has the ability, after a brief configuration, to detect the end of one document and beginning of the next, as well as naming itself automatically using character recognition.

After selecting the correct cabinet, which will have been configured during your onboarding, you will see the folder and document name fields have been removed.  This is because your VelocityFile enabled cabinet will name documents automatically.

From this point, prepare and load your documents as normal, in batches of multiple documents.

Selecting SCAN will feed them through, and after processing you will be presented with thumbnails of your pages broken out by group.

At this review phase, you can check your batches for accuracy, looking at each distinct group to ensure correct information has been grabbed.  Errors can be correct through clicking the pencil icon if needed.

Pages can be reordered by drag and drop, and can also be broken out into a new document by dragging them into the Create New Document field at the bottom of your screen.

Once we are happy with the naming and order, click upload to file the batch of documents.